I have been an atheist for a long time. And for just about as long, I have had an irrational love of Christian hymns (my favorite is “Amazing Grace”). This started when I first learned the hymns at a summer camp, as we sang them on Sunday mornings in a clearing in the woods, surrounded by beautiful trees, sky, and mountains. I was inspired by the intensity of the words, but even more so by the beauty of the melodies as we all joined our voices in song. And to this day, I still enjoy singing hymns, and amaze the small fraction of my friends who are Christians by singing from memory multiple verses of many favorites. I of course believe virtually none of the concepts in these religious songs, but I still enjoy not only the melodies, but also the spiritual intensity of their sentiments. The same can of course be said for the beautiful, religiously inspired works of Bach, Haydn, etc.
While walking out one evening
Not knowing where to go
Just to pass the time away
Before we gave the show
I met a little salvation band
Singing with all its might
I gave my heart to Jesus
And left the show that night.
I was once a believer, no longer, but I still love early church music. My favorite meditation music is Gregorian chant, for relaxation I listen to Rutter's or Faure's Requiem. Classical choral music is perhaps my favorite genre. If you don't try to translate the Latin in your mind, the words just become another part of the music.
P.S. please enable Open ID for your blog ;)
Jeber- Thanks for your comment about your love of early church music. The faith driving the music does get to you, even if you don't believe any of its basis. But not too much chance of me trying to translate religious Latin in my mind! Thanks also for your suggestion about enabling Open ID- it's done.
A modern example of 'sacred' music in the wrong hands is Kim Jong-Il from North Korea. Little children in school sing songs every day singing the praises of their dear leader and his father (the late Kim Il-Sung). After years of this indoctrination, no wonder people can't conceive of these men not being god-like.
I find myself in exactly the same boat as you. I have just bought myself a hymnal with music so I can play the tunes I remember from church as a child. They were the fun part of religion and now I am an atheist I still catch myself humming them. I feel very odd about doing so however!
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